Ghosts of Amandas Past

Posted by Amanda | Posted in | Posted on 8:38 PM

  1. Rumbly In My Tumbly - Disney's Winnie The Pooh
  2. Cruella De Ville - Disney's 101 Dalmations
  3. Bella Notte - Disney's Lady and the Tramp
  4. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Disney's Cinderella
  5. Chim Chim Cher-ee - Disney's Mary Poppins
  6. A Whole New World - Disney's Aladdin
  7. Beauty and the Beast - Disney's Beauty and the Beast
  8. Castle On a Cloud - Les Miserables (preferably the Original London Cast)
  9. Theme - Batman: The Animated Series
  10. Theme - X-Men
  11. Theme - Pinky and the Brain
  12. Theme - Bill Nye the Science Guy
  13. Theme - Duck Tales
  14. Blue Moon - The Marcels
  15. Runaround Sue - Dion & the Belmonts
  16. Men In Tights - Mel Brooks' Men In Tights
  17. Aqueous Transmission - Incubus
  18. Theme - Pride & Prejudice (the long one)
  19. Politik - Coldplay
  20. Just for Now - Imogen Heap
  21. Killing Me Softly - Lauryn Hill
  22. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You - Bryan Adams
  23. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey
  24. Hello - Lionel Richie
As you can tell, I was a kid who liked me some Disney movies and Saturday morning cartoons...also after-school programming....and these are just a few of my I watched a lot of t.v. with my brother, alright? :) A lot of songs on the list are therefore pretty self-explanatory, but I'll add some notes to the comments anyway. As for organization, this is in rough chronological order.

Comments (4)

1 through 7: My parents--especially Frits--loved Disney movies, so we owned every one we could get our hands on and watched them as a family on repeat. Love love love.
8: In fourth grade I did a gymnastics routine in front of the whole fourth grade and our parents to this song. I remember my friend Lindsay was the only one who recognized the song. I think I've listened to the whole soundtrack about a thousand times with my parents. After seeing it in London and Washington, D.C. I recognize that it's far from being the best musical out there, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still bring me to tears, even if only for nostalgic reasons.
9 through 13 - Just some of my favorite shows that I happen to also have the theme songs for.
14 - My brother and sister and I used to dance like crazy around the living room with our friends Dan, Emily, and Scott (all siblings themselves) to this song off of a Billboard CD covering whatever decade this song is from. We all tried to keep up with the "Bom bom-bom-boms."
15 - This was on the same Billboard CD, but the song took on new levels of nostalgia in high school on the bus coming home from away football games with the marching band. We sang a lot and this song was our favorite.
16 - I loved this movie at an age when I was too young to get most of the dirty jokes. This made the list because our ward put on some AWESOME Road Shows in my day and one year all of the super cool Young Men in my ward donned spandex pants and long, belted t-shirts and performed this song en total, choreography and all. We have it on tape and it is GLORIOUS. Such a funny memory.
17 - Throughout high school my brother was in a ska/punk/hippe cover band called Pray for Mojo; I hung out at their practices all the time and grew to love Weezer, Less Than Jake, Rufio, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc. etc. I don't have any of their songs, so I picked this random Incubus song that my brother showed me around the same time. I have a lot of memories of just hanging out in my brother's room listening to music and talking about life. Some of my favorite moments in life.
18 - Cliche? Mayhap. I watched this for the first time as a first-semester freshman at BYU in the dorms. I think I watched it about five times that semester and probably twenty-five times since then. I don't even think it's that great of a movie. I think it's just an escapist thing. (Definitely a worthy namesake of the Darcy List.)

19 - Though I don't listen to Coldplay much anymore, they were pretty much my favorite band all through college. I saw them in San Francisco a few years back and they rocked it. Such a great concert, seriously.
20 - I also saw Imogen Heap while a student at BYU, and this is a shout-out to my good friend Katie who has influenced my musical taste more than anyone excepting only my father and my brother.
21 - I don't know if the Gillins remember this, but a few years ago our group of friends out at BYU had this CRAZY long email chain going, and this song played a big part in that. It kind of became our group anthem for a while.
22 - Studying abroad in London was a formative experience in my life, and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves became a theme of that trip for a lot of us. We watched it on our first and last nights at the London Centre. At one point on our trip we even made it all the way up to Hadrien's Wall and we swear we drove by the exact tree from the opening scenes of the movie. Gotta love the cut from the Cliffs of Dover to Hadrien's Wall (or was it the other way around?) Come on! They're on opposite ends of the country!!
23 - During my last year at college I did a whole lotta dancing. In houses, on streets, in parking lots, in cars. My roommates and I liked to drive around campus on Sunday afternoons around Christmastime with the windows rolled down, blasting this song and singing to everyone we passed who was walking home from church. Every now and then we stopped the car, got out, and danced around for a few minutes before hopping back in and driving on. One of the top five reasons I want to get a car ASAP is so I can continue this tradition--wherever I am.
24 - This past year in D.C. I worked with a few awesome people in a really crappy work environment, and one of the ways we coped was by watching as many YouTube videos as we could sneak between phone calls and sales tours. My good friend Krista and I listened to this song a LOT and watched the video every time we needed a laugh. If you haven't seen it, YOU MUST. Seriously, a teacher in love with a (more than likely) underage BLIND student?! And he calls her at night while she's in bed?! Could Lionel Richie BE any creepier?!

Hahaha, yes I'VE SEEN the "Hello" video! Creeeeepyyyyyyy

And of course I remember the e-mail chain with the "Killing Me Softly" lyrics. I always think of "us" when I hear that song as well. :)

Excellent list.

#9 and #13 are winners in my book, any day.

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